Grant recipient

Tobias Todsen

Transoral Ultrasound in Detection and Staging of Oropharyngeal Cancer
Grant amount: DKK 8,045.969
Tobias Todsen says: “The incidence of oropharyngeal cancer has increased due to HPV–related cancer developed by younger and non-smoking patients. Precise imaging is crucial for optimal treatment, and the current diagnostic workup with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has some limitations, which is why additional diagnostic procedures in general anaesthesia are often needed. Ultrasound provides rapid and high-resolution imaging, which may improve the visualization of oropharyngeal cancer compared with MRI by a new method of performing the ultrasound examination directly on the tumour site through the mouth. In this research project, we will explore whether this new technique with surgeon-performed transoral ultrasound can be used as cost-effective imaging to improve oropharyngeal cancer detection and staging.”
Tobias Todsen
Tobias Todsen, resident physician, PhD
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery & Audiology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen