Grant recipient
Finn Gustafsson says: “Heart failure (HF) is a major health problem. Recent years have seen a great improvement in treatment for HF. Nevertheless, 5–10% of patients with HF progress to advanced HF, which is a severe disease. Patients have a high risk of death and poor quality of life. Currently, identifying the patients who are at high risk of advanced HF is a challenge. Screening needs to be improved to improve prognosis. Obtaining more knowledge on how to manage symptoms and optimize treatments is important. This project will test new strategies to screen for advanced HF to aid the early identification of patients at risk. The project will examine cross-talk between the heart and the kidneys and gut that might contribute to progression of advanced HF. To improve treatment, this project will examine the efficiency and optimization of new and current treatments. The research project targets the most symptomatic and vulnerable patients with HF to gain knowledge for direct use in clinical practice.”
Finn Gustafsson
Advanced Heart Failure: Screening, Evaluation and Optimization of Management
Grant amount: DKK 9,690,000